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While we strive to provide results that meet your international needs, please note that the information presented in this assessment is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional legal, tax, or accounting advice. We cannot be held responsible for any consequences resulting from the use or reliance on the information provided in this response.
The results of this assessment do not form any form of agreement or contract and are not binding in any way. Your use of the information provided in this assessment should be based on your own judgment and decisions, and you should assume the risks and responsibilities associated with its use. We make no express or implied warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, reliability, or suitability of this assessment, nor do we assume any liability for any loss or damage resulting from its use.
By using the "Contractor Misclassification Analyzer," you acknowledge that you have fully understood and agreed to this disclaimer. Clicking the "I understand" button signifies your acceptance of this disclaimer