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Hire in Vietnam

Vietnamese Dong (VND)
Payroll Cycle
Employer Contribution
100.3 mil.

Minimum Wage

Vietnam implements a regional minimum wage system to account for different living costs across the country. As of July 1, 2024, the minimum monthly wages are set to increase by approximately 6% across all regions:

RegionCurrent Minimum Wage (VND)New Minimum Wage from July 1, 2024 (VND)
Monthly Minimum Wage in Vietnam by Region (2024)

The minimum hourly wages will also increase accordingly:

RegionCurrent Hourly Rate (VND)New Hourly Rate from July 1, 2024 (VND)
Hourly Minimum Wage in Vietnam by Region (2024)

Employers must ensure that their employees’ basic salaries meet or exceed these minimum wage requirements.

Income Tax

Vietnam employs a progressive tax system for resident individuals, while non-residents are subject to a flat tax rate. The tax year in Vietnam follows the calendar year.

Resident Tax Rates

For individuals considered tax residents in Vietnam (those present in Vietnam for 183 days or more in a tax year or having a permanent residence in Vietnam), the following progressive tax rates apply:

Taxable Income per Year (VND)Tax Rate
Up to 60,000,0005%
60,000,001 – 120,000,00010%
120,000,001 – 216,000,00015%
216,000,001 – 384,000,00020%
384,000,001 – 624,000,00025%
624,000,001 – 960,000,00030%
Over 960,000,00035%
Progressive Tax Rates for Residents in Vietnam (2024)

Non-Resident Tax Rate

Non-residents are subject to a flat tax rate of 20% on their Vietnam-sourced income.

Payroll Cost

Employers in Vietnam are responsible for various social contributions on behalf of their employees. These contributions are calculated based on the employee’s salary and are capped at certain levels.

Contribution TypeEmployer RateEmployee RateMaximum Salary Cap (VND)
Social Insurance17.5%8%46,800,000
Health Insurance3%1.5%46,800,000
Unemployment Insurance1%1%Varies by region
Trade Union Fee2%46,800,000
Social Contribution Rates and Caps in Vietnam (2024)

The total employer contribution can reach up to 23.5% of an employee’s salary, while employees contribute up to 10.5% of their salary towards these social funds.

Overtime Pay

Overtime work in Vietnam is strictly regulated and must be compensated at higher rates than regular work hours. The Labor Code sets clear guidelines for overtime pay:

Type of OvertimeMinimum Pay Rate
Regular workdays150% of normal wage
Weekend days200% of normal wage
Public holidays300% of normal wage
Overtime Pay Rates in Vietnam

Additionally, night shift work (from 10 PM to 6 AM) must be paid at least 30% higher than the daytime rate.

Key overtime regulations include:

  • Maximum overtime: 40 hours per month or 200 hours per year
  • In special cases: up to 300 hours per year with approval from the labor authority
  • Employees must voluntarily agree to work overtime

Employers must maintain detailed records of overtime work and ensure proper compensation to comply with Vietnamese labor laws. Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in significant penalties and legal issues.

Regular & Maximum Working Hours

In Vietnam, working hours are regulated by the Labor Code. The standard working hours in Vietnam are as follows:

TypeMaximum Hours
Daily8 hours
Weekly48 hours
Night Shift (10 PM to 6 AM)7 hours
Maximum Working Hours in Vietnam

It’s important to note that:

  • The 48-hour workweek can be distributed unevenly across different days, as long as no single day exceeds 10 hours.
  • Employers are encouraged to implement a 40-hour workweek.
  • Employees working in hazardous or dangerous conditions may have reduced working hours.

Overtime Regulations

Overtime work in Vietnam is strictly regulated:

  • Maximum overtime: 40 hours per month or 200 hours per year (300 hours in special cases with approval)
  • Overtime rates:
  • Regular days: 150% of normal hourly rate
  • Weekends: 200% of normal hourly rate
  • Public holidays and paid leave: 300% of normal hourly rate
  • Night shift overtime (10 PM to 6 AM): Additional 30% of daytime rate


Vietnam’s labor laws provide for various types of leave to ensure employee well-being and work-life balance. Here are the main types of leave available to employees in Vietnam:

Annual Leave

The entitlement for annual leave is based on the length of service:

Length of ServiceAnnual Leave Entitlement
Regular conditions12 working days
Hazardous/dangerous conditions14 working days
Every 5 years of service+1 additional day
Annual Leave Entitlement in Vietnam

Sick Leave

Paid sick leave entitlement varies based on the employee’s social insurance contributions:

Social Insurance ContributionsSick Leave Entitlement per Year
Under 15 years30 days
15-30 years40 days
Over 30 years60 days
Sick Leave Entitlement in Vietnam

Maternity Leave

Female employees are entitled to 6 months of paid maternity leave. This can be extended by an additional month for multiple births.

Paternity Leave

Male employees are entitled to 5-14 days of paid paternity leave, depending on the circumstances (e.g., type of birth, number of children).

Other Types of Leave

  • Marriage Leave: 3 days
  • Bereavement Leave:
  • 3 days for death of immediate family member
  • 1 day for death of grandparent or sibling
  • Unpaid Leave: By mutual agreement between employer and employee


Vietnam observes several public holidays throughout the year. Here are the main public holidays for 2024:

January 1New Year’s Day
February 8-14Lunar New Year (Tet)
April 18Hung Kings Commemoration Day
April 30Reunification Day
May 1International Labor Day
September 2National Day
Main Public Holidays in Vietnam (2024)

It’s important to note that if a public holiday falls on a weekend, employees are typically given the following Monday off. Additionally, the Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday is the most significant celebration in Vietnam and can last up to seven days.

Understanding these working hour regulations, leave entitlements, and public holidays is crucial for both employers and employees in Vietnam. It ensures compliance with labor laws and contributes to a balanced and productive work environment. Employers should also be aware that collective bargaining agreements may provide for additional benefits or different arrangements in specific industries or companies.

Termination Requirements

In Vietnam, employment termination is governed by the Labor Code and must adhere to specific legal requirements. Employers must have valid reasons for termination, which can include:

  1. Repeated failure to perform work duties
  2. Disciplinary violations
  3. Prolonged illness or injury
  4. Force majeure events
  5. Company restructuring or economic reasons

It’s crucial to note that arbitrary dismissal is prohibited in Vietnam. Employers must follow proper procedures, including:

  1. Providing written notice of termination
  2. Conducting disciplinary meetings (if applicable)
  3. Allowing the employee to defend themselves
  4. Documenting all steps of the termination process

Notice Period

The notice period in Vietnam varies based on the type of employment contract. Both employers and employees must adhere to these notice periods:

Contract TypeNotice Period
Indefinite term45 days
Definite term (1-3 years)30 days
Seasonal or specific job (less than 12 months)3 working days
During probationNo notice required
Notice Periods for Different Contract Types in Vietnam

During the notice period, employees are entitled to their full salary and benefits. Employers may opt for payment in lieu of notice if they wish for the employee to leave immediately.

Severance Pay

Severance pay is mandatory in Vietnam for employees who have worked for a company for 12 months or more. The calculation of severance pay is as follows:

Severance Pay = 0.5 × Monthly Salary × Years of Service

Key points about severance pay:

  1. The monthly salary used for calculation is the average of the last 6 months’ salary.
  2. Years of service exclude periods covered by unemployment insurance.
  3. There is no cap on the number of years used for calculation.
Years of ServiceSeverance Pay (in months of salary)
Examples of Severance Pay Calculation in Vietnam

Additional severance may be required in specific circumstances:

  • Pregnant employees: 13 months’ additional salary
  • Recently married employees: 13 months’ additional salary
  • Employees close to retirement: Up to 1 year’s salary

Probation Periods

Probation periods in Vietnam allow employers to assess new employees’ suitability for their roles. The Labor Code provides specific guidelines for probation periods:

Job ComplexityMaximum Probation Period
Managerial positions180 days
College graduate or higher60 days
Vocational training or technical workers30 days
Other jobs6 working days
Maximum Probation Periods by Job Complexity in Vietnam

Key points about probation periods:

  1. The probation period must be agreed upon in writing.
  2. The probationary salary must be at least 85% of the regular salary for the position.
  3. Either party can terminate the probationary contract without notice or compensation.
  4. Upon successful completion of the probation period, the employer must enter into the agreed labor contract.

Employers should clearly define the probation period terms in the employment contract, including duration, evaluation criteria, and any differences in benefits compared to regular employees.

By understanding these key aspects of termination in Vietnam, employers can ensure compliance with local labor laws and maintain positive relationships with their workforce. It’s always advisable to consult with legal experts or the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs for specific cases or updates to the labor laws, as regulations may change over time.

Contractor Classification in Vietnam

In Vietnam, the distinction between employees and independent contractors is crucial for businesses to understand. Proper classification ensures compliance with local labor laws and helps avoid potential legal and financial risks.

Characteristics of Contractors

Independent contractors in Vietnam typically have the following characteristics:

  • Operational freedom
  • Ability to work with multiple clients
  • Control over their working hours
  • Use of their own tools and equipment
  • Issuance of invoices for completed projects

Unlike employees, contractors are not subject to direct supervision or control by the hiring company.

Misclassification Risks

Misclassifying employees as independent contractors can lead to severe consequences for businesses operating in Vietnam. The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) takes such violations seriously, and companies found guilty of misclassification may face significant penalties.

Consequences of Misclassification

FinesMonetary penalties imposed by the government
Back PaymentsRetroactive payment of social insurance contributions
Legal ActionPotential lawsuits from misclassified workers
Reputational DamageNegative impact on company image and credibility
Potential consequences of worker misclassification in Vietnam

To avoid these risks, companies must carefully evaluate their working relationships and ensure proper classification of their workforce.

Contractor Hiring Process

When hiring independent contractors in Vietnam, companies should follow these key steps:

  1. Conduct appropriate interviews
  2. Create a comprehensive service agreement
  3. Provide only necessary introductions and resources

Service Agreement Components

A well-drafted service agreement should include:

  • Project scope and deadlines
  • Payment terms and rates
  • Termination clauses
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Confidentiality provisions

Contractor Payment in Vietnam

Payment processes for contractors in Vietnam differ from those for employees. Key considerations include:

  • Contractors typically provide their own invoices
  • No income tax withholding is required
  • Employers are not obligated to make social insurance contributions

Payment Methods

Bank TransferSecure and traceableMay involve fees
Digital WalletsFast and convenientLimited acceptance
CashTraditional optionLess secure, documentation needed
Common payment methods for contractors in Vietnam

Contractor Permits and Visas

Independent contractors in Vietnam often require specific permits and visas to work legally. The requirements may vary depending on the contractor’s nationality and the nature of their work.

Common Permit Types

  1. Business Visa
  2. Work Permit
  3. Temporary Residence Card

Contractors working in specific economic zones or high-tech parks may have different permit requirements.

Termination of Contractor Agreements

Terminating a contractor agreement in Vietnam requires adherence to the terms outlined in the service agreement. Key considerations include:

  • Providing proper notice as specified in the contract
  • Ensuring all deliverables are completed
  • Settling any outstanding payments

Compliance Considerations

To maintain compliance when working with contractors in Vietnam, companies should:

  1. Regularly review contractor relationships
  2. Keep detailed records of contracts and payments
  3. Stay informed about changes in Vietnamese labor laws
  4. Consult with local legal experts when necessary

Contractor vs. Employee Comparison

Work ScheduleFlexibleSet by employer
EquipmentProvides ownProvided by employer
PaymentPer project/taskRegular salary
BenefitsNot providedStatutory benefits
TaxesSelf-reportedWithheld by employer
TerminationAs per contractLabor law protections
Key differences between contractors and employees in Vietnam

Tax Implications for Contractors

Independent contractors in Vietnam are responsible for their own tax obligations. They are typically subject to:

  1. Personal Income Tax (PIT): Progressive rates up to 35%
  2. Value Added Tax (VAT): Generally 10% for most services

Contractors must register for tax purposes and file their own tax returns. Foreign contractors may be subject to different tax rates and regulations.

By following these guidelines and understanding the nuances of contractor classification in Vietnam, businesses can effectively engage with independent contractors while minimizing legal and financial risks. It’s essential to stay updated on local regulations and seek professional advice when dealing with complex contractor arrangements in Vietnam.

Visa Requirements

When hiring in Vietnam, understanding the visa process is crucial. Vietnam offers various types of work visas for foreign nationals, depending on their employment situation and duration of stay.

Visa TypeDurationKey Features
Temporary Residence (23A)1 year (renewable)For most salaried activities
Intra-company Transfer (23E)1 year (renewable)For employees transferred from overseas branches
Business Visa (DN)Up to 12 monthsFor business-related activities
Working Visa (LD)Up to 2 yearsFor foreign workers with work permits
Common Work Visa Types in Vietnam

To obtain a work visa, employers must first secure approval from the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA). The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Obtain work permit or work permit exemption certificate
  2. Apply for visa approval letter
  3. Receive visa approval letter
  4. Apply for entry visa (if required)
  5. Enter Vietnam and complete final visa procedures

It’s important to note that visa regulations can change, so employers should regularly check with MOLISA for the most up-to-date information.

Cultural Considerations in the Workplace

Vietnam’s business culture is deeply influenced by its rich history and social traditions. Understanding and respecting these cultural nuances is essential for successful business relationships and employee management.

Business Etiquette

GreetingsHandshakes and slight bows are common
Dress CodeConservative business attire is preferred
CommunicationIndirect and polite, avoiding confrontation
HierarchyRespect for authority and seniority is important
Key Aspects of Vietnamese Business Etiquette

Communication Style

Vietnamese communication is characterized by politeness and indirectness. Direct criticism or disagreement may be seen as disrespectful. Instead, use diplomatic language and avoid confrontational approaches.

Religious Considerations

While Vietnam is officially an atheist state, it respects religious diversity in the workplace. Employers should be aware of and accommodate various religious observances:

ReligionPercentage of PopulationKey Considerations
Buddhism50%Buddhist festivals and practices
Catholicism26%Christmas, Holy Week
Protestantism9%Various denominations
Islam6%Ramadan observances
Others9%Cultural festivals
Religious Demographics and Considerations in Vietnam

Accommodating Religious Practices

  • Be aware of major religious holidays when scheduling important meetings or events
  • Respect dietary restrictions (e.g., vegetarian options during Buddhist festivals)
  • Be flexible with time off for religious observances

Public Holidays and Work Week

Vietnam observes several public holidays based on various cultural, historical, and religious celebrations. The standard work week is Monday to Friday, with some businesses operating on Saturday mornings.

Holiday TypeExamples
NationalLunar New Year (Tet), Independence Day
ReligiousBuddha’s Birthday, Christmas Day
CulturalHung Kings Commemoration Day
Types of Public Holidays in Vietnam

Networking and Relationship Building

Building personal relationships is crucial in Vietnamese business culture. Allocate time for social interactions and small talk before discussing business matters. Invitations to social events or meals should be accepted as they are important for relationship building.

Work-Life Balance

Vietnamese people value their personal time and family life. It’s common for employees to take extended lunch breaks and socialize with colleagues. Respecting work-life balance is important for maintaining employee satisfaction and productivity.

Working HoursTypically 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week
Lunch BreakOften 1-2 hours, may include siesta
OvertimeShould be compensated as per labor laws
Annual LeaveMinimum 12 working days annually
Work-Life Balance Considerations in Vietnam

By understanding these additional aspects of Vietnamese culture and business practices, employers can create a more inclusive and respectful work environment, fostering better relationships with both local and expatriate employees. This cultural awareness is key to successful hiring and management of a diverse workforce in Vietnam.

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