Global Insight

Hire in Romania

Romanian leu
Payroll Cycle
Employer Contribution
19.05 mil.

Minimum Wage

Romania has seen significant increases in its minimum wage over recent years. As of July 1, 2024, the national minimum wage in Romania is set at 3,700 RON per month (approximately €743) for a full-time employee working an average of 168 hours per month. This represents a substantial increase from the previous rate of 3,300 RON per month.

YearMonthly Minimum Wage (RON)
Romania’s Minimum Wage Evolution

It’s important to note that certain sectors may have different minimum wage requirements. For instance, employees in the construction sector benefit from a higher minimum wage of 4,582 RON per month (approximately €921).

Income Tax

Romania employs a flat income tax rate, which simplifies the tax system for both employers and employees. The personal income tax rate in Romania is set at 10% of the taxable income. This flat rate applies to all forms of income, including salaries, freelance earnings, rental income, and investment gains.

Income TypeTax Rate
All income10%
Romania’s Flat Income Tax Rate

There is no tax-free allowance or progressive tax brackets in Romania, which means that the 10% rate applies from the first RON earned. However, certain deductions and exemptions may apply depending on individual circumstances.

Payroll Cost

Employers in Romania are responsible for various contributions on top of the employee’s gross salary. The main component of the employer’s payroll cost is the social security contribution.

Contribution TypeEmployer RateEmployee Rate
Pension Fund0%25%
Health Insurance0%10%
Work Insurance2.25%0%
Social Security Contributions in Romania

As of 2024, the employer’s main contribution is the work insurance contribution at 2.25% of the employee’s gross salary. Employees bear the majority of social security costs, with a 25% contribution to the pension fund and a 10% contribution to health insurance.

For a salary of 215,500 RON per annum, the total payroll cost for the employer would be calculated as follows:

ComponentAmount (RON)
Gross Salary215,500
Employer Work Insurance4,848.75
Total Payroll Cost220,348.75
Example of Annual Payroll Cost Calculation

Overtime Pay

Romanian labor law stipulates specific regulations for overtime work and compensation. The standard workweek in Romania is 40 hours, typically distributed as 8 hours per day, 5 days a week.

Overtime work is limited to a maximum of 8 hours per week. Compensation for overtime can be provided in two ways:

  1. Paid time off within the following 60 days
  2. Additional pay at a rate of at least 175% of the regular hourly wage
Overtime CompensationRate
Minimum overtime pay175%
Public holiday work200%
Overtime Compensation Rates in Romania

For work performed on public holidays, the compensation rate increases to 200% of the regular wage.

It’s crucial for employers to accurately track and compensate overtime work to ensure compliance with Romanian labor laws. Failure to properly compensate overtime can result in penalties and legal issues.

Understanding these key aspects of pay and tax in Romania is essential for any employer looking to hire in the country. By adhering to these regulations, companies can ensure compliance with local laws and maintain positive relationships with their Romanian workforce.

Regular & Maximum Working Hours

In Romania, the standard workweek is regulated to ensure a balance between productivity and employee well-being. The typical working hours are as follows:

  • Standard workweek: 40 hours
  • Maximum workweek (including overtime): 48 hours
  • Daily work limit: 8 hours

It’s important to note that these hours can be distributed differently throughout the week, as long as the total doesn’t exceed the limits. For instance, some companies may opt for a 5-day workweek with 8-hour days, while others might choose a 4-day workweek with 10-hour days.

Working Hours TypeDuration
Standard Workweek40 hours
Maximum Workweek48 hours
Daily Work Limit8 hours
Overview of Working Hours in Romania

Employers must ensure that employees receive adequate rest periods:

  • Daily rest: Minimum 12 consecutive hours
  • Weekly rest: Minimum 48 consecutive hours, usually on weekends
  • Break during work: 30 minutes for workdays longer than 6 hours

Leave Entitlements

Romania offers various types of leave to ensure employees maintain a healthy work-life balance. Here are the main categories of leave:

Annual Leave

Every employee in Romania is entitled to a minimum of 20 working days of paid annual leave per year. This increases for certain categories of workers:

  • Employees working in difficult, dangerous, or hazardous conditions
  • Workers with disabilities
  • Young employees under the age of 18

Sick Leave

Employees are entitled to paid sick leave, which is covered as follows:

  • First 5 days: Paid by the employer
  • After 5 days: Covered by the Romanian Health Insurance Fund

Maternity Leave

Maternity leave in Romania is generous, providing:

  • 126 days of paid leave
  • Typically divided between pre-natal and post-natal periods

Paternity Leave

Fathers are entitled to:

  • 10 working days of paid leave
  • Can be extended to 15 days upon completion of a childcare course

Other Types of Leave

  • Parental Leave: Up to 2 years per child (3 years for children with disabilities)
  • Marriage Leave: 5 days of paid leave
  • Bereavement Leave: Varies based on the relationship with the deceased
  • Blood Donation Leave: Paid leave on the day of donation
  • Quarantine/Isolation Leave: Paid leave for mandatory quarantine or isolation
Leave TypeDuration
Annual LeaveMinimum 20 working days
Sick LeaveAs needed (first 5 days by employer)
Maternity Leave126 days
Paternity Leave10-15 working days
Parental LeaveUp to 2-3 years
Marriage Leave5 days
Summary of Leave Entitlements in Romania


Romania observes several public holidays throughout the year. During these days, employees are generally entitled to a day off with pay. If an employee must work on a public holiday, they are entitled to compensatory time off or increased compensation.

Here are the main public holidays in Romania for 2024:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1
Day after New Year’s DayJanuary 2
Unification of the Romanian PrincipalitiesJanuary 24
Orthodox Good FridayMay 3
Orthodox Easter SundayMay 5
Orthodox Easter MondayMay 6
Labor DayMay 1
Children’s DayJune 1
Orthodox Whit SundayJune 23
Orthodox Whit MondayJune 24
Dormition of the TheotokosAugust 15
St. Andrew’s DayNovember 30
National DayDecember 1
Christmas DayDecember 25
Second Day of ChristmasDecember 26
Major Public Holidays in Romania (2024)

Understanding these working hours, leave entitlements, and holidays is crucial for any employer looking to hire in Romania. It ensures compliance with local labor laws and helps in creating a positive work environment that respects Romanian work culture and traditions.

Termination Requirements

In Romania, employment termination is strictly regulated to protect both employers and employees. There are several valid grounds for termination:

  1. Employee-related reasons:
  • Disciplinary misconduct
  • Physical or mental incapacity
  • Professional inadequacy
  • Arrest for more than 30 days
  1. Reasons not related to the employee:
  • Economic difficulties
  • Technological changes
  • Organizational restructuring

Employers must ensure they have a valid and lawful reason for dismissal to avoid claims of unfair termination. The dismissal decision must be in writing and include:

  • Legal and factual grounds for dismissal
  • Notice period (if applicable)
  • List of available positions (in case of incapacity or inadequacy)
  • Legal term for challenging the decision
  • Competent court for appeals

Notice Period

The statutory minimum notice period in Romania is 20 working days. This applies to dismissals for physical or mental incapacity, professional inadequacy, and individual or collective redundancies. However, collective bargaining agreements or individual employment contracts may stipulate longer notice periods.

Reason for DismissalMinimum Notice Period
Incapacity/Inadequacy20 working days
Individual Redundancy20 working days
Collective Redundancy20 working days
Disciplinary DismissalNo notice required
Minimum Notice Periods for Different Types of Dismissal in Romania

During the notice period, employees are entitled to at least 4 paid hours per week to search for new employment opportunities.

Severance Pay

Romanian labor law does not mandate severance pay. However, collective bargaining agreements or individual employment contracts may include provisions for severance packages. When provided, severance pay is typically based on the employee’s length of service and salary level.

While not legally required, many employers offer severance pay to maintain good relations and protect their reputation. A common practice is to provide one month’s salary for each year of service, but this can vary widely.

Years of ServiceTypical Severance Pay
1-3 years1-3 months’ salary
4-7 years4-7 months’ salary
8+ years8+ months’ salary
Common Severance Pay Practices in Romania (Non-Mandatory)

Probation Periods

Probation periods in Romania allow employers to assess an employee’s suitability for a position. The maximum duration of probation periods varies depending on the type of contract and the employee’s position:

Employee CategoryMaximum Probation Period
Regular employees90 calendar days
Management positions120 calendar days
Disabled employees30 calendar days
Maximum Probation Periods in Romania

During the probation period, either party can terminate the employment contract without notice or severance pay. However, the reason for termination during probation must still be objective and non-discriminatory.

Key points about probation periods in Romania:

  • Must be specified in writing in the employment contract
  • Cannot be extended beyond the maximum legal duration
  • Employees have all rights and obligations of regular employees during probation
  • Only one probation period is allowed for the same position with the same employer

Understanding these termination requirements, notice periods, severance pay practices, and probation period regulations is crucial for employers operating in Romania. Adhering to these rules helps ensure compliance with local labor laws and fosters positive employer-employee relationships.

Contractor Classification in Romania

In Romania, the distinction between employees and contractors is crucial for both businesses and workers. Proper classification ensures compliance with labor laws and tax regulations. Contractors, also known as independent contractors or freelancers, operate differently from regular employees in several key aspects.

Key Differences Between Employees and Contractors

Work ControlEmployer directs when and how work is doneContractor controls their work schedule and methods
EquipmentProvided by employerContractor uses their own tools and equipment
PaymentRegular salaryProject-based or hourly rates
Tax WithholdingEmployer withholds taxesContractor responsible for own taxes
BenefitsEntitled to statutory benefitsNo statutory benefits provided
Contract DurationOften indefiniteUsually for a specific project or time period
Comparison of Employees and Contractors in Romania

Misclassification Risks

Misclassifying workers as contractors when they should be employees can lead to severe consequences for businesses operating in Romania. The Romanian tax authorities closely monitor working relationships to ensure compliance with labor laws.

Consequences of Misclassification

  1. Financial penalties
  2. Retroactive payment of taxes and social contributions
  3. Mandatory provision of employee benefits
  4. Legal disputes and potential lawsuits
  5. Risk of criminal charges for tax fraud

Criteria for Independent Contractors

According to the Romanian Fiscal Code, an independent contractor must meet at least four of the following seven criteria:

  1. Freedom to choose where and how to perform work
  2. Use of their own resources and equipment
  3. Ability to work for multiple clients simultaneously
  4. Utilization of their own intellectual or physical skills
  5. Assumption of all work-related risks
  6. Membership in a professional organization
  7. Ability to engage subcontractors or partners

Hiring Contractors in Romania

When engaging contractors in Romania, businesses should follow these best practices:

  1. Use clear, written contracts specifying the nature of the relationship
  2. Avoid treating contractors like employees (e.g., don’t provide company email addresses or business cards)
  3. Allow contractors to determine their own work schedules and methods
  4. Pay contractors based on project completion or milestones rather than regular salaries
  5. Do not provide employee benefits to contractors

Tax Implications for Contractors

Contractors in Romania are responsible for their own tax obligations. They typically operate under one of two main structures:

  1. Self-employed individuals (PFA – Persoană Fizică Autorizată)
  2. Limited liability companies (SRL – Societate cu Răspundere Limitată)
StructureTax RateSocial Contributions
Self-employed (PFA)10% income tax25% pension, 10% health insurance
Limited liability company (SRL)16% corporate taxBased on salary withdrawals
Tax Structures for Contractors in Romania

Benefits of Hiring Contractors

Engaging contractors in Romania can offer several advantages for businesses:

  1. Flexibility in workforce management
  2. Access to specialized skills for specific projects
  3. Reduced long-term commitments and liabilities
  4. Potential cost savings on benefits and social contributions
  5. Ability to scale workforce based on project needs

Compliance Considerations

To ensure compliance when working with contractors in Romania, businesses should:

  1. Regularly review contractor relationships to ensure they haven’t evolved into employment
  2. Maintain clear documentation of contractor agreements and project scopes
  3. Avoid exercising excessive control over contractors’ work methods
  4. Encourage contractors to work for multiple clients
  5. Consult with local legal experts to navigate complex classification issues

By understanding and adhering to these guidelines, businesses can effectively engage contractors in Romania while minimizing the risks of misclassification and ensuring compliance with local labor laws.

Visa Requirements

When hiring in Romania, understanding the visa requirements is crucial for both employers and foreign employees. Romania offers several types of visas depending on the purpose and duration of stay:

Visa TypePurposeDuration
Short-stay (C) visaBusiness, tourism, or short-term workUp to 90 days
Long-stay (D) visaEmployment, study, or family reunificationMore than 90 days
Work permitEmploymentUsually 1 year, renewable
EU Blue CardHighly skilled non-EU workersUp to 2 years, renewable
Types of Visas for Romania

For non-EU citizens, obtaining a work permit is typically necessary before starting employment in Romania. The process generally involves:

  1. Employer obtaining work permit approval
  2. Employee applying for a long-stay visa
  3. Employee registering residence upon arrival

EU citizens benefit from freedom of movement and do not require a work permit, but must register their residence if staying longer than 3 months.

Cultural Considerations

Understanding Romanian culture is essential for successful business relationships and employee management. Key aspects to consider include:

Business Etiquette

  • Punctuality is valued, but meetings may start a few minutes late
  • Formal greetings with handshakes are common
  • Use of titles and last names until invited to use first names
  • Business attire is generally formal and conservative

Communication Style

Romanian communication style tends to be:

  • Direct, but diplomatic
  • Relationship-oriented
  • Expressive, with use of hand gestures
Communication AspectRomanian Style
DirectnessModerate to high
FormalityInitially formal, becoming more casual over time
Non-verbal cuesImportant, especially eye contact and gestures
Conflict handlingPrefer face-to-face resolution
Romanian Communication Style

Work-Life Balance

Romanians generally value a good work-life balance. This is reflected in:

  • Standard 40-hour work week
  • Generous annual leave (minimum 20 working days)
  • Emphasis on family time and personal life

Religious and Cultural Customs

While Romania is predominantly Orthodox Christian, the workplace is generally secular. However, awareness of religious and cultural customs can improve workplace relations:

Religious Observances

  • Major Orthodox Christian holidays are observed nationally
  • Some employees may request time off for religious observances

Cultural Traditions

  • Mărțișor (March 1) is celebrated as the beginning of spring
  • Name days are often celebrated alongside birthdays

Business Practices to Note

When operating in Romania, be aware of these business practices:

  1. Relationship building is crucial for business success
  2. Decision-making can be hierarchical in traditional companies
  3. Nepotism may still exist in some sectors
  4. Bureaucracy can slow down processes, patience is important
Business AspectRomanian Practice
NetworkingHighly important
Decision-makingOften top-down in traditional firms
Business paceCan be slower than in some Western countries
Contract importanceHigh, but relationships also play a key role
Key Romanian Business Practices

Public Holidays

Romania observes several public holidays throughout the year. During these days, employees are generally entitled to a day off with pay. Here are the main public holidays in Romania:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1
Day after New Year’s DayJanuary 2
Unification of the Romanian PrincipalitiesJanuary 24
Orthodox Good FridayMay 3
Orthodox Easter SundayMay 5
Orthodox Easter MondayMay 6
Labor DayMay 1
Children’s DayJune 1
Orthodox Whit SundayJune 23
Orthodox Whit MondayJune 24
Dormition of the TheotokosAugust 15
St. Andrew’s DayNovember 30
National DayDecember 1
Christmas DayDecember 25
Second Day of ChristmasDecember 26
Public Holidays in Romania

Understanding these additional aspects of hiring and working in Romania will help ensure compliance with local regulations and foster a positive work environment that respects Romanian culture and customs.

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